Thursday, September 6, 2012

Personal Responsibility vs. Other People's Money

After watching two nights of the Democratic National Convention, and a week after the RNC in Tampa, I've come to this conclusion:  it's all about Personal Responsibility vs. OPM (Other People's Money).

The Republicans will tell you that there's a finite amount of money available to fund the government, therefore, we must be fiscally frugal, and share in the overall responsibility, especially those who benefit most from government dollars (a hand-up).

The Democrats, on the other hand, will tell you that debt is not an issue.  The DNC is willing to throw money at every problem, no matter what the consequences (a hand-out), in order to garner the most votes.

Republicans believe that those who benefit from taxpayer money the most, should pay their fair share in return.

Sadly, 47% of all Americans are on some sort of government assistance.  They tend to vote for whoever is best for them (i.e., whoever promises to give them the most free stuff). 

Difficult economic decisions in areas like MediCare, Social Security, Military, etc., can't keep getting kicked down the road.  We will drown in our own debt if we don't stand up and address the problem of overspending.