Sunday, July 8, 2007

Well, check out the liberal secular media headlines for the new Motu Proprio, which were gleaned directly from the Google News main page:

New Rule for Latin Mass worries Critics - USA Today
Pope's move on Latin mass a blow to Jews - Guardian Unlimited
Latin Mass a looming headache for Catholic parishes - Reuters

And these are just the top three headlines. There are many others, but the bottom line on the vast majority of them can be described as follows:

1. The Pope is rolling-back the progress made since the Second Vatican Council in the liturgical field.

2. The traditional Mass is anti-semitic.

3. Only a handful of "crazies" want to celebrate the Classical Roman Rite.

What's sad is that the vast majority of Catholic faithful who enjoy the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) have no animosity against the so-called "Novus Ordo" Mass at all. They simply prefer the old rite to the new one. They accept all of the changes implemented during and after Vatican II. They love the Jewish people, and most of them are quite educated as well.

But since they prefer the mystery, awe and sacredness of the TLM, they are ostracised and hidden in the closet, away from any "thinking" Catholics.

THIS is the reason that Pope Benedict issued this document. To bring the disaffected out of the darkness and into the light of the Church. He also opened up the window to bring in some fresh air and dissipate all of the stale, moldy air that has built up since the happy-clappy, kumbaya days of the '60s and '70s.

Yes, there will be loonies on the far right who will agitate their pastors and bishops for more and more and more. The mainstream secular media will portray them as being "typical" traditionalists, when in reality, they are not.

It's amazing how the media never portray the typical liberal/progressive as they really are: an arrogant, condescending, aggressive lot who ignore Church authorities at every turn and mock those with whom they disagree.

Our own diocese is typical of how the progressive apparatus operates. A progressive bishop surrounds himself with like-minded individuals in the chancery who mimic his calls for "full, counscious, and active participation" in the liturgy. Of course, they have a skewed understanding of what this actually means.

This bishop's hand-picked diocesan director of worship repeatedly chants her mantra, "active participation uber-alles" while totally stripping all sacredness from the Mass. Innovation takes hold, as the people in the pew are forced to stand when they traditionally knelt. Kneeling to receive Holy Communion is totally forbidden, and we know must process from the rear to the front during the Communion Rite, which defies all logic.

Happy-clappy songs are sung during the propers of Mass instead of what was actually intended to be sung. Everyone must always be "doing" something in order to be relevant.

Then we have pastors who have progressive understandings on the entire concept of the liturgy and the Eucharist (don't get me started) that border on heretical!

Summorum Pontificum is like a hurricane. We are now living in the immediate aftermath.

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