Saturday, April 14, 2012

The many faces of Sister Battista

In our last post, we discussed how the dissenting views of a local religious sister were brought to the public eye in a weekly Indianapolis Star political column by Dan Carpenter.  Mr. Carpenter brings up an email conversation he had with Sister Barbara Battista, SP, regarding the views of artificial contraception by the U.S. bishops.

After doing some digging (which didn't take much work, actually), it was discovered that Sister Barbara is no newcomer to the protest scene. 

Sister Barbara has been protesting at the School Of America's (SOA) at Ft. Benning, for years, and appears to be a proud suporter of SOA Watch, a human rights group founded by former Maryknoll priest, Roy Bourgeois. 

Fr. Bourgeois is a proud (I would say infamous) dissenter in his own right.  He was excommunicated in November, 2008, for participating in a mock ordination of women to the priesthood a moth earlier.  He has refused to recant his support for women's ordination.  According to Wiki, the Vatican is currently considering Fr. Bourgeois removal from the priesthood.

Photos of Sister Battista and  Fr. Bourgeois at this protest rally can be viewed here.  I cannot post them due to copyright issues.

Sister Battista's public Twitter account shows a recent (Jan. 19, 2012) post asking readers to click on a link to a NARAL site.  "Get the shocking facts on the 2011 War on Women from NARAL's infographic.", she shouts with glee.

Once on that site, NARAL asks "If you think that it's wrong for politicians to interfere in women's personal, private, medical decisions, please share this infographic with your friends."  It then urges the reader to "post it on your Facebook wall, Tweet it, and email it far and wide." 

Like the good foot-soldier of death that she is, Sister Barbara heeds their call.

For those of you who don't know, NARAL Pro-Choice America (formerly National Abortion Rights Action League) is is an organization in the U.S. that engages in political action to oppose restrictions on abortion, and expand access to abortion.  NARAL uses numerous tactics to lobby for liberalized access to abortion.

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