Thursday, May 10, 2012

Misplaced accusations of misogyny

During this whole kerfuffle regarding the recently-announced results of the doctrinal assessment conducted on the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, we've heard numerous claims that this was a "misogynistic attack" on women.  The loudest complainers then run off a list of all the good things that the women religious of the LCWR have done in the past. 

Of course, this just deflects from the real issues of heresy and illicit/invalid liturgical celebrations that are part and parcel of many LCWR-sponsored events.

But was is routinely overlooked, is the fact that the Holy See ordered a visitation of all U.S. seminaries in 2005, similar to the visitation of the LCWR and CMSWR in 2009-2011.  Lest we forget, the seminaries are ALL-MALE.

I don't remember hearing all the whining, screeching, etc. during the seminary visitation, or claims that the Holy See "hates men."

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