Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's not always what you say.....

I understand Pope Francis' effort to make the Church more "user-friendly", but I'm not a big fan of how he's going about it.

Pope Francis seems to couch his language in the typical political jargon of the progressives, both within and without the Church. Thus, when he makes off-the-cuff comments about homosexuality, women's ordination, the liturgy, etc., it's couched in a nuanced manner that makes progressives rejoice and traditionalists cringe. 

The bad thing is, his comments leave a lot to be explained in a more thorough manner. This unwinding of his thoughts usually gets done by the progressive media, furthered along by those progressive priests, nuns, and laymen in the Church who have made it a goal to take down the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church a brick at a time.

For example, when the Holy Father says that "we cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods. This is not possible.", and that "it is not necessary to talk about these issues all the time.", the public response is amazing.  Those on the left interpret it to mean that abortion, gay marriage, and the use of artificial contraception is okay.  Those on the right are left trying to explain away what the pope was really trying to say, within the greater context of traditional Church thought. 

Is this good for the Church? I have my doubts.  It seems to make past efforts at promoting authentic Church teaching on such hot-button topics futile.  It raised even more doubt, and it gives those on the left political cover to continue in their obstinate sin.

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